Building/Contributing for developers

Development notes #

Some stuff you might find helpful if you’re trying to add to jfa-go.

Code #

I use 4 spaces for indentation. Go should ideally be formatted with goimports and/or gofmt. I don’t use a formatter on typescript, so don’t worry about that.

Code in Go should ideally use PascalCase for exported values, and camelCase for non-exported, JSON for transferring data should use snake_case, and Typescript should use camelCase. Forgive me for my many inconsistencies in this, and feel free to fix them if you want.

Functions in Go that need to access *appContext should be generally be receivers, except when the behaviour could be seen as somewhat independent from it (email.go is the best example, its behaviour is broadly independent from the main app except from a couple config values).

Integrations which synchronize user data with Jellyfin/jfa-go should ideally implement the ThirdPartyService interface. New contact method daemons should implement the ContactMethodLinker interface, and the users the ContactMethodUser one.

Compiling #

The Makefile is broken up into sections which depend on each other. When calling make, steps are performed only if there have been changes (i.e. typescript compiled when *.ts is changed). A few things, like build scripts, do not have their changes tracked. If you changed one of these, you can run make clean first before make to ensure your changes are used.

Below is an outline of the steps performed, by the variable used to call them in the Makefile. The ones LIKE_THIS are variables which you can’t do make THIS_WITH, the lowercase ones you can.

allSame as just running make.
precompileDoes everything except compile the binary.
CONFIG_DEFAULTGenerates config-default.ini from config-base.yaml, with default values and comments.
configurationAlias you can call to run the above.
EMAIL_TARGETTranspiles mjml email templates into HTML files
TYPESCRIPT_TARGETApplies "dark-variant" changes to typescript, and transpiles into ES6 Javascript through esbuild. When DEBUG=on, also copies typescript into build directory, and generates sourcemaps.
SWAGGER_TARGETGenerates a swagger.json API doc file, and puts it where it needs to go, with swaggo's gin-swagger.
VARIANTS_TARGETApplies "dark-variant" changes to HTML, and puts it where it needs to be.
CSS_FULLTARGETCopies icons and fonts, bundles CSS, and calls tailwind to strip the CSS down.
INLINE_TARGETInlines CSS and javascript into the "crash.html" page, so it can be dumped to disk on crash and render correctly.
COPY_TARGETCopies general static data (crash page, images, systemd service, language files and license) into the build directory.
GO_TARGETDownloads Go dependencies and builds the binary.
compileAlias you can call for the above.
compressCalls upx to compress the binary, if you really want.
installCopies the build directory (with the binary) to $DESTDIR.
cleanRemoves build files.
npmCalls npm install.

Environment variables #

This isn’t everything, but most of what’ll actually be useful:

VALUE=optionsDefault ValuePurpose
DEBUG=on/offoffIncludes typescript sourcemaps and validates typescript.
INTERNAL=on/offonEmbeds assets (html, js, images, etc.) into executable.
UPDATER=on/docker/offoffEnables the updater, which pings the CI setup for updates. on is used for binary releases, docker for docker images.
TRAY=on/offoffAdds a system tray icon, with start/stop/run at login options. Requires appindicator dependency.
E2EE=on/offonIncludes support for end-to-end encryption for the Matrix bot. Requires libolm-dev dependency.
GOESBUILD=on/offoffWhether or not to build the esbuild dependency with Go, or to download it with npm.
RACE=on/offoffWhether or not to add the Go race detector.
GOBINARY=<path>n/aPath to an alternate Go executable.
VERSION=v<semver>n/aAlternative version number, for testing updater.
COMMIT=<short commit>n/aCommit build was done from. Should be in short format. Used for updater.
BUILDTIME=<unix timestamp>n/aTimestamp at which build was done. Also used for updater.
LDFLAGS=<ldflags>n/aAdditional "go build -ldflags".
TAGS=tagsn/aAdditional Go tags to build with, allows including code optionally at build time.
OS=<os>n/aUnrelated to GOOS, when set to windows, passes -H=windowsgui which disables stdout (hence stopping a terminal from opening).

Web API #

Static Web API docs can be accessed by clicking Web API Docs on the sidebar or here.

A live version of the swagger documentation is available by running jfa-go with the -swagger argument to make it available at http://localhost:8056/swagger/index.html. If you’re introducing any new routes when working on the API, make sure to give them a proper description above the function (see other routes in api.go as well as the swaggo documentation), and to put it in the appropriate category and/or file (e.g. api-discord.go for a discord-only method). If a struct used as a parameter or return type needs explanation, put descriptions of each field as a comment next to it (see models.go).

Dark mode CSS #

Dark mode is achieved with the tailwind dark: prefix, with an alternate version a17t’s default colours. For example class="card ~neutral" becomes class="card ~neutral dark:~d_neutral". You can mix and match these (i.e. neutral in light mode, urge in dark mode), or omit the dark variant entirely (the preprocessor scripts scripts/ and scripts/missing-colors.js find missing ones and add them).

Config #

The configuration is defined in config/config-base.yaml, whose structure is defined in common/config.go. scripts/ini/main.go is the script which generates a .ini file from this. The yaml is included with the program, so that it can be sent to the web UI, where things descriptions and dependencies are actually rendered.

On dependencies, depends_true/false take the setting or section value (not the name!) of a setting or section. These evaluate as true how you’d expect, i.e. the value is a non-empty string, non-zero number or a true bool. Sections can define dependencies on settings with the format section|setting, i.e. To make smtp dependent on an email method being set, you’d do:

- section: smtp
    name: SMTP (Email)
    description: SMTP connection settings.
    depends_true: email|method