
Docker #

As mentioned in the Binary section, a prerequisite container is used to build jfa-go by the CI. This is also used in the supplied Dockerfile. Ths image is currently only published for arm64. You’re probably using amd64, so you’ll need to build the image yourself:

# git clone
# cd jfa-go-build-docker
# docker buildx build -t .

Now, somewhere else, build the actual project similarly:

# git clone
# cd jfa-go/
# docker buildx build -t hrfee/jfa-go:unstable .

BuildKit note #

For better multi-arch support, the main and prerequisite Dockerfiles take advantage of BuildKit, the image builder included with Docker as of 23.0. It should also be included with Podman. You may have to install BuildKit/BuildX manually if you have an older version.